Affiliation Panel

Affiliation Panel

In your membership panel you have different information that can be very useful when sending us your invoice or keeping track of your campaigns.
When you enter your dashboard you would find different values that we go on to tell you:

  1. Accumulated balance this month:This balance may vary, up or downwards, at any time, remember that fees are charged by users booking a PRO tour. The Gurus have been 72 hours since the Tour to report to travelers who did not finally come, which is why the balance may vary downwards.
  2. Balance pending billing:In order for us to pay the committees, you must send us your invoice. In this section we show you the accumulated balance that you have to bill for months already closed, commissions are always paid per closed month. This data is updated when we pay your invoice (15 per month), if you have sent us your invoice and do not worry.
  3. Walkers waiting to take the tour: These are reservations that were made with your reference, but that the tour has not taken place.
  4. Total revenue: in this section we show you the sum of payments made so far, in addition to the outstanding balance and the cumulative balance of the month.
At the bottom of the panel you can find the following:

Here you can see and filter all reservations already confirmed or pending, with data from the adults they reserved, those who ultimately were, the language and whether they were associated with any campaign. In this section you can also consult the payments that have been made to date