For travelers, when they are browsing for a tour, they can filter by dates, and expect that if a listing is shown as available for the chosen dates, they could attend, if it appears in the search.
Availability panel:
1) Go to the tour page. (Image 1)
2) There you will see a lock that says "Block events" under "Edit tour", click there.
3) You will land on your tour availability panel. At the end you will see 2 blue buttons, these are the ones that interest us.
Availability Panel features:
NOTE! You can block events in all the languages of your tour, or choosing only the language you need to block.
Image1. My tours |
Image 2. Tour page |
Image 3. Availability Panel
You should not get confused between blocking events and closing your tour, be very careful. When you close your tour, all the bookings you have upcoming will NOT be automatically canceled and this should not be done lightly, you should cancel them first.
It is important that you contact us before if you want to close your tour, and you have active bookings, as it is necessary to cancel them, and we could relocate them to other gurus.