Dashboard of the Guru

Dashboard of the Guru

In the section Bookings / Upcoming Events you can find your rate per tour of cancellations (made by you and made by the walkers) and no shows in the last 30 days. 

In this new dashboard of cancellations and no shows each percentage is compared to the platform average. The bars are displayed in ranges of three colors:

 - The areas close to the average appear in yellow, these are percentages that are already starting to be high and should be reduced. 

- The red areas correspond to too high percentages that affect the ranking algorithm negatively and if they are not duly justified, they may lead to the deduction of credits. 

- The areas in green correspond to optimal percentages that enable the possibility of obtaining the recommended tour label, a label granted also considering the reviews of the tours.

Every month the platform will renew the averages, so the percentages that correspond to each color will be modified.

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