Cancellation policy

Cancellation policy

As a guru, you have the possibility to cancel a reservation, as long as you are within an acceptable percentage and offer an alternative to walker. If not, you risk losing visibility (and reservations) and can lead to the closure of your tour. One cancelled reservation generates a bad experienceand disrupts travellers' plans (more if it was a cancellation of the last minute). It impacts the whole community, as travelers may decide not to repeat more with GuruWalk.

What kind of cancellations were justified?

The acceptable percentage of cancellations includes:

  • Cancellations that are force majeure: circumstances beyond reasonable control of the parties, including, but not limited to guru disease, family emergencies, medical appointments, natural disasters, extreme strikes, etc.

  • Cancellations for "minimum number of attendees not reached"when they occur ALL these conditions:

    - The event has fewer attendees than stated in your tour FaQ as the minimum number of attendees required for the tour to depart (from 1 to 4 people).
    - The tour has the option "minimum attendees required" in the section''Frequently asked questions/FAQ"
    - Less than 24 hours are left before the start of the event.

  • However, we recommend that you carefully assess whether establishing a minimum is best for your tour, as it can deter some travelers from booking.

  • Cancellations by a group exceeding 6 people:We understand that a group of more than 6 people were not allowed on free paid routes and for this reason it is possible to cancel their reservation. If a private group is organised, it is not necessary to cancel the reservation.

  • Cancellations on traveler request:In this case, it must be specified in the cancellation message that has been the decision of the traveller.

If you had to cancel the tour,should offer an alternative date or inform the walker of the possibility of booking with another guru of the same destiny on the platform.

What type of cancellationsNowere justified?
  • If travellers do not answer you.

  • In case of rain: As long as it is not a force majeure, it is not cancelled by rain. Adapt the tour and warn travelers to come ready.

  • Cancellations for "minimum number of attendees not reached" when it is said. Someone of these conditions:

  • - The event has more adults signed up than stated in your tour FaQ as the minimum number of attendees required for the tour to depart (from 1 to 4 people).
    - The tour does not have the option "minimum attendees" in the section''Frequently asked questions/FAQ"
    - More than 24 hours left before the start of the event
    - Reservations are cancelled individually and not the entire event for this reason.

  • A group reserve of less than 6 people.

  • If you accept groups of more than 6 people in the same reserve,It would not be justified to cancel a group with fewer participants than you have set out in the availability of your tour.For example, if you have set up that the same reservation can be up to 10 people, a reservation of 8 people could NOT cancel for this reason.

  • In case of overbooking or poor availability management.

  • Any other reason not provided for as justified cancellation.

  • If cancelled with the"Another" instead of choosing the correct cancellation reason enters the possible options. The message attached to this cancellation reason is merely informative NEVER justify the reason "Another" âš ï ï ïč.

If cancellations were not justified as the causes mentioned above, they would proceed to the subsistence for the event and/or cancelled reservation.In addition, the fact that it has a high percentage of unjustified cancellations by you would make your tour penalized.

How to avoid cancelling?

I am not available

-Block events to avoid receiving reservations.

-Modify the reservation another day/hour.

- If you already have scheduled reservations, we and we will try to pass the reservations to another guru.

I have only one reservationIn this articleWe explain what to do in this case.
The traveller cannot attend

- Explain to the traveller to cancel on the platform, you can send him this link:I would like to cancel my reservation. ð

- The traveller wants to attend at another time: he can change his reservation from his booking section, to another schedule of your tour, as we explain here:I would like to change my reservation (date, language, number of participants,...)

How to cancel correctly?

  • In our system.We explain how to do it in this article.
  • In advance.At least 24 hours before the tour starts, so that cancellation is as traumatic as possible for the walker.
  • Explain the cancellation reason.
  • Apologize.
  • Give alternatives.Another schedule, another similar tour available in GuruWalk, personal recommendations, etc.

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