FAQ'S about your tour you should answer, and will be shown on your tour profile

FAQ'S about your tour you should answer, and will be shown on your tour profile

In this article, we will explain how you can set up the "frequently asked questions" in the profile of your tour(s). 

Set up your FAQ's 

The frequently asked questions, as the name says, are the most common doubts that travelers contact us before booking a guruwalk, and to make the selection process easier, this section is now available in the tour profile, so they can book immediately, having all their doubts answered on the same page.

Follow these steps to set them up 👇. If you have multiple tours, you must do this process for each one.

1) In your profile, go to "My tours"

2) Click on "Edit" 


3) Go to "Frequently Asked Questions", select Yes or No, in the ones you consider that apply to your tour.

4) Click on "Save"



When you save them, they will appear in your profile under the meeting point section, like this:


If you are a PRO plan member, to accept bookings with more than 6 people, here we explain how to do it.

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